Tuesday, June 30, 2020

*माझ्याविरुद्ध मी*

*माझ्याविरुद्ध मी*

मंजिल तक पहुँचने से रोके 
वो नही कोई गैर,
तुम को रोक रहे हैं,
तुम्हारे अपने पैर...

    ह्या चारच ओळी पण किती गांभीर्य आहे ह्या शब्दात. आपणच आपल्याला थांबवतो का? आपणच आपल्या विरुद्ध असतो का? हे वाक्य ऐकून असे अनेक प्रश्न अनेकांना भेडसावत असतील. पण हो हे खरंय..कोणाच्यातरी विरुद्ध जाण्याआधी किंवा कोणीतरी आपल्या विरुद्ध होण्याआधी आपणच आपल्या विरुद्ध असतो. आपल्यापैकी बऱ्याच लोकांचा असा समज झालेला आहे की,"आपल्याविरुद्ध लोक" म्हणजे आपले स्वप्न पूर्ण करण्यापासून किंवा आपले ध्येय साध्य करण्यापासून आपल्याला लोक थांबवतात पण हे साफ खोटं आहे. जर आपल्याला कोणी थांबवत असेल तर ते स्वतः आपण आहोत. ते कसं?? असा प्रश्न देखील सगळ्यांनाच पडला असणार, तर ह्याच सगळ्यात मोठ कारण म्हणजे " नकारात्मक विचार" . मला हे जमेल का? मी हे करू शकेल का? मला हे नाही जमल तर? हे आणि ह्यासारखे अनेक प्रश्न आपण स्वतःच्या डोक्यात आणि मनात येऊ देतो आणि स्वतःवरच प्रश्नचिन्ह उभं करतो. ह्या सगळ्यांमध्ये आपला आत्मविश्वास डगमगतो आणि आपण आपल्याबद्दल आपोआपच नकारात्मक बनु लागतो. जेव्हा लोकांच्या हे लक्षात येतं तेव्हा लोक फक्त आपल्या नकारात्मक विचारांना खत - पाणी घालतात पण आपण मात्र त्यांच्यावर आपल्या अपयशाचा खापर फोडून मोकळं होतो कारण ते खापर आपल्याला स्वतः वर फोडायच नसत. 
    असं म्हणतात, माणूस अपयश पचवू शकत नाही पण त्याहीपेक्षा ते अपयश स्वतः मुळेच आलंय हे मान्य करायला आपण कधीच तयार होत नाही आणि मग आपण कारण शोधायला लागतो. पण आपण स्वतः ला हे  कधी  विचारायचा साधा प्रयत्न तरी केलाय का की खरचं हे अपयश कशामुळे आल? कोणामुळे आल? कोणतीही गोष्ट करण्यासाठी प्रयत्न तर आपल्यालाच करावे लागणार आणि मग त्या प्रयत्नानंतर येणार यश किंवा अपयश हे सुध्दा सर्वस्वी आपलंच असणार फक्त आपल्याला ते मोठ्या मनाने स्वीकारता आल पाहिजे. जर अपयश आलं तर का माणूस खचून जातो? खरचं इतकं कमकुवत आहे आपल मन की आपण त्या मनाला कमकुवत बनवलं आहे? 
    जर यश आल तर माणूस हुरळून जातो आणि   जर अपयश आल तर माणूस खचून जातो असं म्हणतात पण ह्या दोन्ही गोष्टी आपणच आपल्याविरुद्ध करत असतो. आपण हे विसरून जातो आपल यश, अपयश, आपले निर्णय हे सर्वस्वी आपले आहेत. त्याच खापर लोकांवर फोडण्याचा आपल्याला अधिकार नाही. जर आपण स्वतःबद्दल सकारात्मक राहायला शिकलो , "मला हे जमेल का?" ह्यापेक्षा "हो, मला हे जमेलच!" हा सकारात्मक विचार जर आपण आपल्या मनात आणला आणि स्वतःवर विश्वास ठेवून  जर प्रयत्न केले तर नक्कीच यश आपल्या पदरात पडतच आणि जरी नाही यश आल तरी त्या सकारात्मक विचारांमुळे, सकारात्मक ऊर्जेमुळे आपण स्वतःला हे समजवू लागतो,"ठीक आहे ह्यावेळेला नाही जमल पण पुढच्या वेळेला अजुन प्रयत्न करेल" ह्यामुळे आपलंच आयुष्य खूप सोपं होत, वाट्यातले अडथळे कमी होऊन आपण पर्याय शोधू लागतो.
    जगाच्या शर्यतीमध्ये जर आपल्यासोबत कोणी असेल ते स्वतः आपण आहोत. इथे टिकून राहायचं आहे तर कठोर प्रयत्न हे करावे लागणारच. यशाने हुरळून न जाता आणि अपयशाने खचून न जाता येणार प्रत्येक आव्हाहन पेलण्याची जिद्द आपल्या मनात फक्त आपण तयार करू शकतो त्यासाठी सकारात्मक विचार, अमाप कष्ट करण्याची तयारी आणि ध्येय साकारण्याची धडपड आपल्या अंगी हवी. 
आपण नेहमी कशाला तरी घाबरत असतो आणि ती भीती आपल्याला यशापासून मागे खेचते परंतु जर त्या भीतीच रूपांतर आपण आत्मविश्वासात केलं तर आपले अर्धे प्रश्न आपोआप सुटतील. 
    आपल्या सगळ्यांनाच एका चौकटीत राहायची सवय झालेली आहे. त्या चौकटीमध्ये आपल्याला सगळ्याच गोष्टी खूप सोप्या आणि सोईस्कर वाटू लागतात परंतु जेव्हा ती चौकट सोडून बाहेर पडण्याची वेळ आपल्यावर येते तेव्हा मात्र आपण डगमगू लागतो, आपला आत्मविश्वास संपतो आणि आपण हरतो, यशाला मुकतो. पण जर त्या चौकटीत असतानाच आपण स्वतःला आव्हाहन पेलायला सक्षम बनवलं तर आपल्यावर यशाला मुकायची वेळ येणारच नाही. यश हा खूप सुंदर अनुभव आहे आणि तो ह्या चौकटीच्या बाहेर पडल्यावरच कळतो.
समर्थ रामदासांनी म्हणले आहे,

जगी सर्व सुखी असा कोण आहे
विचारे मना तूचि शोधूनी पाहे||

Written By:
Sayali Chobe

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Harsh Reality!

    Just 2 days ago, we all heard the news that "Sushant Singh Rajput committed suicide because of depression". After that a lot of people posted images stating, "Speak Up Before Give Up!". But my question is, are you really hearing that voice? Are you really feeling the pain, the trauma? Are you really understanding that language? Some people may be confused with all these questions but that's the truth. Why are people afraid to speak Up?? We don't even try to understand this thing. We think that the person is absolutely fine because he/she manages to smile and try to coverup the tears but actually its not the case.

HD wallpaper: man standing near glass window, person standing ...

    People are afraid to speak because they think that," we'll laugh on them, we'll judge them". Instead of that assure them that, " We understand, we feel your pain and you are not alone in this fight". May be those words will relief them and they will be convinced that there is someone who will listen to them. According to us, this is very small thing but for them this is huge thing. We are all different and we all are fighting our own battles daily. Some of us are mentally so strong that they solve their problems very well but what about mentally weak people?? We even don't realize that lot of people around us facing this problem. 

    We realize about mental health after the Sushant's incident. Was this never happened before, somewhere around you?No one has spoken about mental health, depression before..why??? To discuss this someone like Sushant has to die? It needs to be someone so famous or a celebrity? Everytime why an incident is needed to realize something ??People are too busy in digital world so they don't see what's happening around them. Even we also don't no that we need someone who listen to us, speak with us.
    In this digital world we are socially connected but we are disconnect with ourself, family, friends. We don't have that bond or connection where we feel free to open up anything. I have seen people talking about unconditional love and then ending up cowardly backing out in hard time. We all, sometimes ignore the subtle signs of the need of love of our loved once because we're too busy in our life being this "Digital Generation". So, be that person to someone in this digital world who understands their feelings. Life can't be straight line, life is always like a roller coaster filled with ups and downs. So, assure the person that everything will be okay and you're with them. We need to pay more attention to the people around us than to the digital world, so that we can understand how they are? What situation they are going  through?? So, we can help them out.

Next generation digital experience: a new breed of client - BNP ...

    In this world if people will not help to each other then who will?? We need to wake up and see what is happening around us. 2 days ago only one Sushant left us but so many Sushant's have left us for so many Years. This is very heartbreaking. At least now we need to wake up and help each others, atleast now we need to speak up, atleast now we need to listen up instead of just quoting fancy captions on social media.
Be kind to yourself and everyone around you. 
Express what you feel, listen and feel the emotions, don't judge and stop spreading hatred.
Coz my friends, small things do matter....!!!😇

Concept By: Saily Bhosale
Written By: Sayali Chobe

Sunday, June 14, 2020

LIFE: A Precious Gift

Real Touch Pink Lilies Artificial Flower Bouquet 5 Stems ...

    Someone said," Life is a gift". I heard that and thought "Oh yeah"! The most precious gift given by god is life. Life is precious because it is beautiful. It leads to Friendship, Love and even more.This precious gift consists of lots of good things, good experiences and remarkable moments. On other hand it also holds bad memories, saddening moments and miserable experiences.For someone, life is an art which can be made as beautiful as possible. While for someone, life is science which can be made as useful as possible.
    Have you ever seen the Lily flower? It lives for a very short span of time but whatever life it has got, it delivers the pleasure to the world in that small amount of time. It passes its charm, hue and aroma to many hearts. This is how we must live our life.

    Many people believe life is meaningless but that is not the case! Many lives are wasted because people destroy themselves with drugs and violence.War destroys people as well as morals. All people deserve to live since it is their right from birth.Life is all around us but people take it lightly. People shouldn't do that. All lives are precious either it is the people in middle east, the animals around the world or the plants and trees of the forest. On other hand, people treat each other differently. Racism exists as well as bullying. People tend to say bad stuff behind people's back. People use People everyday. Bullying? Racism? What are all these? I don't understand what people get from making others unhappy and upset.  Everyone in this world have their own beauty. So, don't sit there and say, I'm ugly instead say, I'm pretty. Don't care about what people say. Someone said, " Rumours are carried by Haters,  Spread By Fools and Accepted By Idiots". Ignore the negative vibes from negative people and just keep moving on. Haters are always around you but it doesn't matter because they are the one who make you more strong, and in some terms inspire you as well.
    People come and go but guess what you have to go with it no matter however it hurts. People say forget the past, live in present and save the future for tomorrow. I think that is true but sometimes we cannot forget our past because it has all those beautiful moments which means the world to us. It is the hardest thing but we should try try try and try.        
    Don't give up or lose hope on anything. Learn lesson from the mistakes. Live your life however you want. Have Fun! Dance as much as you want! Take risks.... Trust yourself...Believe in strength... Don't care about haters! There is so much to do so stop faffing about. Life is too short to save it for tomorrow. Love forever! Do what your heart says....! 

Some Significant Life Lessons We Must Learn Early On In Life

Dream as much as you like and make it true! 
You only live once so make the most of it!!
Remember one thing," You are the Artist of your life, Don't give the paintbrush to anyone else".

Concept By: Saily Bhosale
Written By: Sayali Chobe

दिवस लॉकडाउन चे!!!

     आज सकाळी गरमा गरम चहा पिताना अचानकच मनात विचार आला. बापरे! बघता बघता सहा महिने होत आले आणि आपण घरातच. फेब्रवारीमध्ये कोरोना व्हायरस ने ...